How to tip Korean Escorts for a sensual massage

How to tip Korean Escorts for a sensual massage

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It is true that everyone that serves deserves some sort of tip. The same goes for the Korean Escort that works hard to meet all the demands of the client. A sensual massage takes a lot of hard work that Korean escorts would do. If you are completely satisfied, it is because the escorts have done their way to keep you pleased. It is good to tip your Asian escorts if you find the massage to be very satisfying. Tipping the escorts will not be that easy. You need to follow some ways to tip them. It is not that the escorts don’t like money, but they want it to be more secretive. These Asian escorts are very sophisticated, so they mind taking a tip in an upfront way. They would surely love to earn money, but for them, tipping would be different and you need to understand that. If you are completely straightforward in offering a tip to them, they will not accept it. Take escort sensual massage and when you feel like tipping the ladies, make sure you use these tips.

Be humble

When you are tipping Asian escorts, you should not feel special about yourself. Even if you are paying, that does not make you any big. You need to be humble because you are not helping them. It is a tip that you are offering because they have given you amazing satisfaction. You should not feel special that you are helping the escorts or being too kind to them. This attitude must not be there. Tipping is done for good work and Asian escorts should feel that they have earned it through a perfect sensual massage. It should not have anything that would make them feel inferior and you, as a client, superior. The NYC Asian escorts are highly deserving and they do anything and everything to keep the clients happy. Show a humble attitude to make them feel good about tipping. It should not seem like help that you are doing.

Do not ask for an amount

Did the New York Asian escorts ask you how to satisfy you? No! They give you an amazing sensual massage so that you are completely satisfied and pleased. Do not ask your escorts how much they want. It is not a help and you should not ask permission. Go ahead and offer her anything that you feel she deserves. If she has given her everything to please you, she should love the tip that you offer her. Do not plan to ask her for any amount and then go on bargaining. Just offer them an amount based on your level of satisfaction.

Carry some cash

For tipping, you must carry some cash. Do not end up in a mess at the end of the session where you do not have enough cash to tip her. You can not go for cashless tipping, so whenever you are going for Asian escorts, make sure you carry some cash. It will not be any shame to tip with cards or digital payment. The vendors will not support that kind of payment.

Do not force it

There are NY Asian escorts that would not like to receive any tips. It could be their personal ethics of interest that they don’t accept tips. If you find anything like that, do not insult or force the escorts. It is okay to get away with it and not brood over it.

Use these tips to tip your Asian escorts without any issues. These ways will be the best ones to complete your session on a good note.